Welcome to Garlic Wise
Garlic Wise is a 20 year old family owned company. We sell products made from stabilized Allicin taken from fresh Garlic.
These products were formulated by England’s Doctor Peter Josling.
Compare Alli-C
This product may make all other garlic products obsolete! Each Alli-C capsule provides 300 mg of, stabilized Allicin from Garlic along with 60 mg of Vitamin C and 40 mg of citrus bioflavonoids.
The stabilized Allicin in Alli-C is the strongest and safest natural antibiotic known to man.
Alli-C may kill types of disease-causing bacteria in you, your family and your pets without harming any friendly bacteria or causing negative side-effects.
The normal maintenance dose of Alli-C for an adult is one capsule per day, but higher amounts may be safely taken for therapeutic purposes.

About Us
GarlicWise is an ethically sourced family run mother-daughter business. We pride ourselves on customer service and attention. Our product sells itself because it works! We are excited to share it with you, GarlicWise has been operating for the past 20 years selling Alli-C and Alliderm and now we are adding Alli-gin a mixture of Allicin and ginger helping with inflammation and much more. We are growing and hope that you can assist this growth by sharing our product with your friends and family. Truthfully word of mouth has built this business.

About Alli-C
“Alli-C is strongly anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-parasitic. It has been scientifically proven in double-blind studies to reduce the number, severity, and duration of the common cold and it fights all types of diseases caused by harmful microbes. Allicin may help lower high blood pressure and high cholesterol, ease arthritic pain and swelling, and may be harmful to cancer cells. People and animals taking Allicin are less likely to be bitten by mosquitoes, fleas and ticks.”
–Dr. Peter Josling Director of the Garlic Information Centre
For every referral, we give our customers 1 free 30 count bottle of Alli-C!
What Our Customers Say About Our Products
“I developed a staph infection in my left armpit and went to my Doctor who treated if with antibiotic ointment and pills, the infection came back. I was referred to a Dermatologist who treated it with Cipro and ointment and again it came back in the same place which made me worry with the “super Bugs” killings so many people. All in all it was treated medically 4 times and it came back 4 times. I talked to a knowledgeable friend who told me about Alli-C and I tried it, doubting it’s value treating my infection and to my surprise it did work. It has been a year or so and the infection has not been back, I take it every day.”
“Allicin is one of the most important supplements you can take to fight off infection, maintain good health and thrive. This product has helped me, my family and friends in ways too numerous to count. I take it daily together with pro cumin and ginger and it is a really powerful antimicrobial. Garlic has been used for thousands of years as a powerful antibiotic. Just before I fly I take 4 a day so that my immune system is up because I know how much the airplane air is recycled. I can’t recommend Alli-C highly enough!”
“I had learned from a Canadian Dr. A patient of his that he considered Alli-C to be the most effective thing available for a full-blown flu. This Dr.’s father was a Dr. in India who came to Fl. On a visa and he was willing to work in a free clinic and his father is still practicing medicine in India and knew a lot about Alli-C. The patient when he was coming down with the flu he told me around noon that he was coming down with the flu. Take 2 now, 2 tonight and 2 tomorrow morning. He had made an appointment for himself for the free clinic- he showed up for the appointment and he had to tell the Dr. “I am very embarrassed yesterday when I called you I woke up sick as a dog and couldn’t go into work but then my boss gave me a bottle of this product.” and pulled out the bottle of Alli-C and the Dr. looked at it and said, “I want you to put that away – put it back in your pocket. We can’t talk about this here, if we were in Canada we could. What’s in this bottle is the best medicine for the full-blown flu. As far as I know, that is the best thing there is for the flu.”
Allicin is one of the most important supplements you can take to fight off infection, maintain good health and thrive. This product has helped me, my family and friends in ways too numerous to count. I can’t recommend it highly enough. I take it daily together with other supplements. It is a really powerful anti-microbial, it is very important. Garlic has been used for thousands of years as a powerful antibiotic. I applied the gel and used the allicin garlic caps for my basal cell. And a few days just before I fly, I take 4 a day so that my immune system is up because I know how much of the airplane air is recycled as well as coming in from the jets.
I am a 10 year user regularly everyday 1 capsule. I first heard about the product on a Radio show in 1999. Here is my testimonial for ya! I don’t get sick anymore! I take one capsule a day as a maintenance dose. I don’t get sick anymore. When I get a tick bite and I get the tick off I start pounding the Alli-C for two weeks. As a preventative it is a lot less expensive than treating it once you have it. So that is why I take at least one capsule a day regularly.
“I was treating a 55-year-old woman who has had an immune weakness her whole life and any time she gets any type of scratch it turns into MRSA or Gangrene. We had used Oregano and lots of different products and she never realized how she should have used Alli- C. So I had her use 2 tablespoons of the powder and had her take it internally. I use it for MRSA and all bacterial problems. Alli-C and Aloe vera gel and saltwater. It works miracles!”